EMU Admissions Academic Reference Form

EMU Admissions Academic Reference Form

A student you are familiar with is applying for admission to Eastern Mennonite University and has requested that you provide a reference as part of the application process. This reference will be treated confidentially. Please contact us with any questions at 540-432-4118 or admiss@emu.edu.

Eastern Mennonite University is a faith-informed liberal arts school located in Harrisonburg, Virginia. We seek to admit those qualified persons who will benefit most from their studies here and have a positive influence upon our campus community. Your reference will provide helpful insight into the applicant’s background and assist us in making an admissions decision. Thank you for your prompt assistance in this important matter.

Eastern Mennonite University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any legally protected status.

Your immediate response is an important step in the admissions process.


Luke Litwiller, Director of Undergraduate Admissions and Recruitment

Please complete this reference by checking the category which most accurately corresponds to your impression of the candidate for admission to EMU. Please make additional comments where appropriate.